The brand name comes from merging the names of their dogs, Bimba and Violeta. They have been working together for more than 20 years restoring paintings in their workshop in the centre of Palma. However, 6 years ago they started to paint crockery and immediately began making their own line of hand-made pieces. “There are many people who make ceramics, but we believe that we have a very different style because we only make things we actually like. Our passion is visible right through to the final result.”
Ana, originally from Mallorca, graduated in painting restoration in Florence and later joined the prestigious Hamish Deward restoration studio in London. There she would receive commissions from the rich and famous as well as galleries such as Christie’s. It was also where she met the king of musicals, Andrew Lloyd Webber, for whom they made several works. In fact, Andrew relied on Ana to restore some of his pieces in his house in Deiá. Meanwhile, Natalia studied ceramic restoration in Madrid and then a masters at Sotheby’s in London, where she stayed for quite some time perfecting her craft.
When Ana returned to Mallorca, she decided to set-up a painting restoration workshop. For Natalia it was love that brought her to the island. She married the prestigious gallery owner Xavier Fiol from Mallorca and decided to settle down on the island.
It was then destiny that Ana and Natalia, both passionate ceramic-lovers, would meet through mutual friends. “We both love working with our hands. Nature and the seasons are our inspiration. We use basic materials such as clay and then when we mold it, discovering that forms and folds emerge spontaneously. The enamel is created with natural pigments, so each colour is different and unique like its shape. Our clients like things done with love, as well the opportunity to tell us what they would like to have in their home. Then, we create it.”
Each ceramic piece takes a week on average to be completed, but there is also the capacity to meet bigger orders for special occasions like weddings. Their portfolio of clients recently included the presentation of the new Nicolás Joyeros collection. “We basically have a lot of Danish and Swedish customers. Also, some clients in England who are wedding planners as well as numerous Mallorcans. However, clients from outside Spain make up the majority of our market due to the demand for high-quality, sustainable products. We find there is concern for protecting the environment, which perfectly aligns with what Vimbi Vimbi stands for.”
In Palma, you can find Vimbi Vimbi at Oma Project, The White House and Bon Vivant, but it is through Instagram where they receive the most orders. “It’s the best online store”, they confirm. However, big plans are in the pipeline to further expand the business with trips booked to Madrid to collaborate with other companies, as well as meetings organised in London. Ana’s sister, Rosario Nadal – former wife of Kyril from Bulgaria and mother of the singer Mafalda – is a great client and every time she gives away vases or other Vimbi Vimbi pieces, her friends in London literally “flip”.
Photos by Sara Savage