Do, your mind is made up. You’re going to make a life here on Mallorca – and the prospect both elates and scares you. Buying a home and starting a business means you have to successfully navigate your way through the legal Spanish system, if you’re going to survive and thrive. What you need, is somebody you can trust completely to take you by the hand and guide you through those choppy waters.
Dolphin Asesores have been there to ensure that many, many people like you land safely, avoiding surprises. Reading like a portfolio of island success stories, Dolphin’s company clients range from the small and bespoke, to the large and corporate, a varied mix of British, Irish, Swedish and German nationalities.
What business and personal clients all have in common is that they have constantly leaned on Dolphin’s team of highly proficient accountants and legal advisors, who have counselled them through every aspect of Spanish law, supporting them to steer clear of potential obstacles.
These are professionals who know how it works on Mallorca, and cut through red tape in order to simplify tax and legal matters. When it comes to running a business or buying a property, clients appreciate receiving the service standards they were used to in Northern Europe. A strong support team is in place, seeing that you get time and attention whenever you need it, responding quickly to phone calls and emails.
Property for sale in the Serra de Tramuntana
Dotted along the Serra de Tramuntana are numerous traditional mountain villages and hamlets each with unique properties for sale!
Started in 1993 by José Clar Barceló and Jaime Perera Vich, Dolphin still has its very first client. Indeed, all under its care feel they are in the right hands. Of course, it helps that both partners are Mallorcan and have the access, knowledge and experience to weave their way through the bureaucracy.With foreigners making up 75% of its clients, Dolphin has years and years of experience of dealing with the types of issues that non-Spanish nationals face when they move here; people once in your position, who are now living the lives they imagined for themselves, with peace of mind, helped by their good fortune in finding Dolphin Asesores.
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