With this recipe you can choose between four small tartlets or one large (eight-inch ring) tart.
To make the pastry:
- 125g flour
- pinch of salt
- 55g cold butter cubed
- 40ml cold water
Easiest way is to make this in a food processor but you can also do it by hand. Blend the flour and salt with the butter until it looks like breadcrumbs and trickle in the water until it just comes together. Remove and wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate for a few hours or preferably overnight. When it’s ready, dust a surface with flour and roll out quite thin. Cut to size and place in moulds pressing gently into the sides. Place in the freezer for about 15 mins. After this time you can use a knife to trim off the excess dough. Fill with baking beans or rice on parchment paper and place in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 mins. After this time remove the beans and bake for another 6 mins or until the middle is evenly baked.
To make the filling:
- 2 red peppers sliced
- 1 small white onion sliced
- 1 teaspoon of paprika
- Selection of different coloured tomatoes and cherry tomatoes
On a medium heat, sauté the onions and peppers with the paprika and salt and pepper for about 10 mins, lower the heat and cook for another 5. They should be very soft but still have texture. Use this mixture to fill the bottom of tarts and arrange tomatoes on top, some cut and some whole. Season with salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil and place in the oven at 180 for about 10 mins until the tomatoes begin to soften.