Just who is the company with the strange name? By their own admission, the owners of Fastighetsbyrån say their moniker is hard to pronounce to non Scandinavians. For those familiar with it, however, the name Fastighetsbyrån holds much deeper connotations. Translated to English, it means The Real Estate Agency – and The Real Estate Agency it is.
A subsidiary of Swedbank, Sweden’s largest bank, Fastighetsbyrån is known as the leading real estate provider in its home country. The Palma franchise was formed in response to high Scandinavian demand for a targeted property buying and selling service on the ground here, one that mirrors Scandi values of honesty and transparency.
Scandinavians are now Mallorca’s third biggest group of purchasers, and it is a stroke of good fortune for the island that those from the three kingdoms love Mallorca; bringing their charming upbeat sensibility, entrepreneurialism, and of course flawless sense of style and design.
“We Scandinavians are thousands and thousands of people who are freezing and are dreaming to have better weather,” says highly-affable part-owner Jörgen Reivant with characteristic humour, describing one of the main reasons Mallorca presents such an attractive prospect.
Along with their talented employees, Jörgen Reivant and co-owners Stefan Wiezell, Katalina Rajz Forsman and Torkel Hellberg are leaned on for a whole host of issues by those they happily serve. Of course, it helps that the team speak Spanish, Catalan, English and French, besides Swedish.
“Those living abroad appreciate that we are in place and have knowledge of the island, the culture and how it works to buy and sell their homes. But it is so much more than that. Our customers expect us to solve, or know, everything from A to Z. That’s what makes us love what we’re doing”, says Reivant.
As word goes round of Fastighetsbyrån’s caring and proactive way of doing things, awareness of the company with the strange name is growing. After all, anyone – regardless of nationality – wishes to do business with people who make it a pleasure. Fas-tig-hets-by-rån; better remember it.